Seven Steps of Dog Behavior Modification

>> 10/9/09

There are many dogs that suffer from bad behavior and this can be caused by a large number of reasons that is why it is good to learn some dog behavior modification techniques that will help your dog to be a lot more calm and controlled. Here are seven tips to help you:

Tip 1: The first thing you should do is check for any signs that your dog is distressed. It is very simple to notice distress in a dog as the begin to pant, whine, shake, pace and loose appetite. But these are just some of the signs you can see, to lower the distress in your dog you can calm your dog by speaking to it or just stroking it.

Tip 2: Using punishment on a distressed dog is not a very good idea, as this can make the dog even more distressed until the point where you might not be able to control or calm your dog. To teach your dogs not to do this, the best way is by not giving him any attention at all, not bad nor good.

Tip 3: When your dog is being anxious around you, or even hyperactive it is best not to reward this type of behavior with attention. Although it might be hard to watch your dog cry, whine or run around the house like a maniac, as the first thing you feel is the urge to comfort your dog, this reaction can only make things worse as it is teaching the dog that if he acts like this he will get your attention.

Tip 4: Teach your dog to obey orders that you give him, such as sit, stay and lay down. Once the dog obeys the order then it is time to reward them so that they know they have done well. This treatment will help you control your dogs anxiety once you have the orders fully under control.

Tip 5: Give your dog a lot of exercise to reduce the levels of energy that he can create. Different dogs need different amounts of exercise, but even so, all dogs should have at least a couple of hours a day where they can run around and see the outside world. This will not only reduce the animals anxiety but also teach them to be more sociable.

Tip 6: Many dogs that suffer from anxiety feel it most when their owners leave the house for a certain amount of time. But there are exercises that can help you to reduce the level of stress your dog can feel when you have to go out. Practice with your dog a couple of times a day leaving the house and walking back in after about thirty seconds, greeting your dog as you enter. This will get the dog used to the fact that when you leave you will come back.

Tip 7: Try to make sure that your dog has a comfortable dog house or blanket that he can rest on and feel secure when needed, this will help the dog relax when in his quiet place. Do be sure to place the dog bed in a cool and quiet area, far away from anything damp, noisy and too hot.

Seven Steps of Dog Behavior Modification by Matt Martins.

Author Resource:

Matt Martins researches all the best tips and techniques at training dogs help To get more visit dog behavior modification.

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